Friday, November 20, 2009

God is so good!

I would love to share how God has been working the last couple weeks in the last couple of churches we have been at. We recently ministered in Grapevine, Texas for an 8 day conference (which turned into an 11 day) because of what God was doing in their lives! People in that church started getting real with God and with others. When you have 3 hours of testimonies in one day you know God is doing something in their lives. They were so H.O.T. (Honest, Open and Transparent) with where they were in life and how they have drifted from the Lord and ran to things of the world instead of to God.
On one of our free days while we were there, my roomate and I headed off to the nearby mall. Well, it should have been nearby :) We took some massive wrong ways and pretty much took three times longer than it should have :) To be honest, we were both a little frustrated because we were supposed to meet some team members there and by the time we got there, they had to leave. So we decided to go strolling by ourselves and we went into this one army store and were trying on some of their paraphanalia and one of the workers said she would take our pictures. We ended up getting into a conversation with her and she was free for lunch so I took her to the food court and she just poured out her life to me and wow, what a story! (Talk about somebody being H.O.T.!) God has pulled her out of the depths of despair and saved her and she is on fire for the Lord. It was such a God thing how he knit our hearts together so fast. We took her back to our host home and she went with my host parents and myself that night to minister at a homeless shelter and then she was able to come to some of the services that we were doing at the church. She pretty much wanted to jump on the bus with us and join our team when we left :) Hopefully that will work one of these years for her.
I am just so amazed how God worked that whole situation out. How we had got to the mall late and were kind of frustrated to how God orchestrated (not coincidence) my visit with Ashley. Please pray for her and that she will stay strong hearted for the things of the Lord. I know that is her desire.

Here is Ashley!


Emily said...

you're awesome, and i'm so proud to say you're my sister. you let God use things that would just make other people mad, keep loving God. :) see you soon!

Stacy said...

Wow...what a great story. Thanks for always being willing to walk through the door of opportunity with people. I know that is what your team does in every day ministry at churches, but it so refreshing to see it happen in every day life, at the mall! It is an inspiring reminder of how we each should be intentional about investing in others. I am praying for you, and for Ashley!! Love, your Texas mom