Sunday, February 1, 2009

Friends and Family,

It is hard to believe that I have been on the road for again for almost a month! We are currently in Duncan, OK. It is our third church out. We just got done with an 11-day conference in Denison, TX. It was so good to see and hear all the Lord accomplished there during that conference. Our dear brothers and sisters there had such a hunger for God and a desire to see God move in their lives. There were marriages that were ready to be done away with that were restored; parent/child reconciliation. I think one of the main things was that people were just open and honest about where they were at and they didn't care what people thought. Church leaders got up and shared what they they were truly struggling with and where the Lord found them going into this conference. They were simply obeying God and His leading in their lives....It was so encouraging to be there!

The Lord has been challenging me in some areas in my personal life recently. One of them is reaching out to others and meeting them exactly where they are. Not to be judgmental or have a critical attitude towards them. I want to be able to cry with those who cry, rejoice with those who rejoice. I want to be able to sympathize and empathize with those around me....both on my team and people in the churches. This past week during one of the services I was in the hallway and I walked past a lady that was bent over weeping. I had something I was supposed to do, so in my mind I was just going to pass her by because I needed to complete my duty. But the Holy Spirit just prompted me to go back to her and just love on her. I began rubbing her back and praying to myself asking God for wisdom in the situation. She didn't want to really open up but she kept making statements like, "it would just be better if I wasn't around", or "God doesn't really want me to hurt myself, does he?" She opened up a little and said that she didn't know why she even stopped right there to cry....but I knew it was all in God's timing. She said that she was on her way out the door and wanted to run her car off a cliff. I had just such an awesome opportunity to love on her and show her Jesus. How He loved her and had a purpose for her. I walked her outside (in the middle of a Texas ice storm!) and took her to one of the trailers so we could talk to one of the staff wives. So there the Lord put a tangible opportunity right in front of me and I had the choice to either ignore her or show her Christ's love for her. I Thank the Lord that the Holy Spirit directed me.

There has been another area in my life that I know the Lord has been wanting me to surrender completely to Him. You see, I surrendered my life to Him. I told Him that I will do whatever He wants me to do, go wherever He wants me to go, yet I was holding on to one of the keys. I gave him the key ring, but I selfishly wanted to keep one out for myself...but He wanted ALL of the keys. Please pray that I would be a living vessel completely sold out to Christ and completely surrendered in every aspect of my life.

Pray also that our team stays strong and that we will be the encouragers that we need to be to others. Sometimes the weeks get long and you get drained and it is only by God's grace that we keep going. I am so thankful that he chooses to use us despite ourselves. I am so thankful that he wants to use us :)

Thank you all for your continuous prayers and support. I greatly appreciate them.

Your sister in Christ,