Sunday, March 28, 2010

Continuing On...

Since coming back on the road after Christmas we have done 8 four day conferences and are in the midst of our 2nd eight day conference. We have been in Florida, Georgia, Louisianna, Mississippi and are in Texas for two weeks. I am loving the warmer weather down here :) This past conference in Sylvester, GA we got to see and hear how God transformed peoples lives. Here are a few of the testimonies:

God found me...

"Struggling with pride in every aspect of my life; my marriage, my job, my family. I've learned about grace and understanding and realizing I don't know anything and God is my Master and Lord. He is my Savior and I am humbled y the words of the Lord. I ill be a more submissive wife and I will use my gifts and talents for the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you God for making me and putting every struggle into my life"

"Lost and insecure. Months before I was mere inches from losing my faith. This week God has taught me to let go of all my bitterness to those who did me wrong. He allowed me to let go of a lot of pain. He told me I needed to stop being lukewarm about Him and how I should live for him. I was finally able to let go of a burden I've carried for 9 years: self harm. It was the past and He helped me to let that go"
"Angry, hurt and bitter. The week of the Life Action Summit marked the 9th anniversary of the death of our first son, 2 days old. The weeks prior to the summit it was discovered that my wife had been unfaithful to me. Through the messages and daily 6 am prayer meetings, God revealed to me how I failed. I as able to express my anger to God and give it to Him. I was able to claim 1 Thess 5 and give thanks! I discovered how my anger and bitterness tore down my wife which led her to seek compassion elsewhere. I now have a new love for my wife and my marriage is better than ever! Praise God!"
These are only a few of the many testimonies from that church. On the second Sunday we were there, we opened up the microphone for anyone that wanted to come up front and share what God was doing in their lives. It was amazing! There were over 2 hours of people sharing about how God did a work in their lives. It is amazing when you see pastors and deacons humbly getting up in front of their church and being honest, open and transparent. I pray that what God has started in these churches would be ongoing. When revival comes, it is not just a one time experience.

This past month all of us team members have had to make our decision if we are going to return for another year. After praying about it and talking with my parents and team leadership I have decided to stay for another year! I am very excited :) I am going to be doing something a little different, but I will share that at another time :)